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Evening discussion with Dr Júlia Király

Evening discussion with Dr Júlia Király

You and your guest are kindly invited to an evening discussion of the Hungarian LSE Alumni Association with Dr Júlia Király, former Deputy Governor of the Hungarian Central Bank.

The title of the discussion is: Reconsidering monetary policy after the financial - and euro - crisis in a small and open economy: the Hungarian experience.

Originally Dr Király is a graduate of the Budapest University of Economics. At the start of her career she worked as an applied econometrician at the Planning Office, which - during Socialism - used to prepare the long-term and operative plans of the Hungarian state economy. In 1988 Dr Király joined the International Training Center for Bankers. She has been on of the CEOs since 1999, and one of the owners since 2003. Dr Király took part in the privatisation of Hungarian banks (MHB -1996; K&H-2000) as member of the Board, and in the privatisation of Postabank in 2003, as the chair of the Board. Dr Király holds a PhD in economics and she is honorary professor of the Budapest University of Economics. Her special research fields are monetary policy and financial risk management. Dr Király stepped down as Deputy Governor of the Hungarian Central Bank last year with a J'accuse, causing great ripples within Hungary as well as abroad.

This exceptional evening - after a short presentation by Dr Király on the topic - will give all participants the opportunity to ask questions of personal interest and to discusss these issues at a highly professional level.

Please note that the language of the event will be English. At the entrance we shall collect a contribution of HUF 2000 to cover the renting fee of this prestigious venue and the soft drinks to be distributed. We would also like to kindly remind you that Chatham House Rules shall apply throughtout the evening.


Please note that registration is required for this event. If you wish to attend, please register by sending a mail to our Event Officer, Miklós Gaál at

We very much look forward to seeing you all there!

Szivarszalon, Ybl Palota
1053, Budapest
Károlyi Mihály utca 12.
Monday, June 16, 2014 - 18:30 to 22:00