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Welcome to the LSE Alumni Association Hungary’s website

Founded in 2002, this growing, increasingly active and strictly independent Association is recognised by The London School of Economics and Political Science as the official volunteer organisation for alumni relations in Hungary. Our aim is to offer former LSE students in Hungary the chance to meet one another and to provide the alumni community with a series of social, professional and leisure gatherings.

We regularly organise evening debates, book discussions, sailing weekends and participate in sport events. The annual Destination LSE gathering, skiing getaway, Christmas drinks or Hiking Saturday are also among our core, and rather popular, activities.

You will find information on both our past and planned events on this website. Please take a look around. And whether you have finished your studies a long time ago or very recently graduated from The LSE, I trust you will find what you are looking for, and I hope to see and meet you at our next event.

Levente Nyitrai

President of the Hungarian Alumni Association